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Advertising Photographer
  • As an advertising photographer, you take pictures of various subjects for promotional materials. You work with film or digital media and must be skilled in processing both. You photograph objects to your employer's or client's specifications. 
  • You need to be able to adjust angles, shutter speeds, lens filters, light sources and equipment, you will have to affect shading, shadows and colors to enhance an object's appearance. 
  • You will need technical and conceptual skills to use photography equipment, and you will need creative and marketing skills to fully understand the best ways to set up photographs for advertising.
  • There's tremendous room for growth within this industry.
  • Your work shows up in magazine ads, billboards, product packaging, or TV commercials.
  • Starting salary: $50,000 maximum salary: $150,000+
  • Take photography classes, art classes, design classes throughout high school.
Production Artist
  • Person who assists the graphic designer. Person who checks over graphic designer's work. Last person to touch design before public views it.
  • Need to know difference between color modes, know how to kern and track, must know how to use Photoshop, InDesign.
  • Requirements; 4 years of college.
  • Companies will higher production artists, schools will want your help with newspapers or fliers.
  • Take graphic design classes, take internships, work with school newspaper.
Graphic Designer
  • Create visual solutions to fix problems.
  • Make magazines and newspapers.
  • Skills needed- creativity, problem solving, communication, familiar with graphic software.
  • Need at least bachelors degree, need portfolio.
  • Growth- more than 3 years of working experience before going any higher.
  • Get jobs in advertising and publication.
  • Salary- $32,000-$56,000 higher: $74,000+
Art Director
  • Comes up with visual concepts. Design covers of main things (posters).
  • Need to have excellent judgement and strong persuasion. Need verbal, written communication.
  • $ year bachelors degree.
  • Need to be around fine art, design, and digital media.
  • Salary- $82,000-$150,000
  • Need to build skills and electives in photography, visual design, graphic design.
  • Work in media organizations, media entertainment, advertisement.  
  • Combine art, design, creative skills to develop ideas and produce original visual images for wide range of productions.
  • Might need bachelors degree and high school experience. 
  • Salary- $14,000-$19,000
  • Take workshops from firms or libraries to build skill and technique.
  • Need drawing skills and IT skills. 
Web Design
  • Responsible for creating looks of website for clients and correctly convey the message.
  • Needs graphic design, computer, Phototshop, InDesign experience. 
  • College for 4 years and bachelors.
  • Need advanced graphic design and computer design.
  • Moving up- manager of internet services.
  • Work at home or company.
  • Salary- $36,000-$86,000
  • Work on school websites in high school.
Package Design
  • Designing the outside of a product (coke can).
  • Skills- knowing color schemes and shapes.
  • Need bachelors.
  • Salary- $62,000-+
Comic Book Artist
  • Bring a story to life from what the author has written.
  • Need art degree from art school.
  • Work on school websites or newspapers.
  • Salary- $100-$300 dollars a page.
  • Salary- $40,000-$50,000 a year.
Computer Animation
  • Create 3D renderings or sometimes 2D. Work with special effects and make video games.
  • Need associates degree, be able to draw, need sense of timing and composition. 
  • Can be promoted to art director
  • Salary- $40,000-+
  • Take physics, geometry, algebra, and art classes.
Publications Designer
  • Handle looks of publications such as magazines and newspapers.
  • Need communication skills, design, and software skills.
  • Meed bachelors degree and 3 year experience in creative art.
  • Salary- $30,000-$65,000
  • Can intern at public design company.
  • Work on school newspapers or magazines.
Freelance Designer
  • Don't provide themselves to one company only- work for multiple companies at a time.
  • Skills needed- good organization, patience, discipline, motivations, good knowledge for art software. 
  • Need bachelors.
  • Salary- $32,000-$57,000
  • Work is more independent.
Storyboard Artist
  • Visualize scenarios and perspectives; advertise designs and story boards.
  • Need imagination, artistic skills.
  • Be familiar with adobe sweet, be able to work with deadlines, must have story telling skills.
  • Don't need bachelors but recommended.
  • Salary- $30,000-$200,000
  • Jobs are generally unstable due to competition.
~American Institute of Graphic Arts
  • Try to inform and inspire artists who want to go into graphic design.
  • Different levels you can be in: Pro- need experience for 4+ years.
  • Not a career, they are there to support people who want to go into graphic design.
  • Support graphic arts and exists to educate public about importance of print.
  • To become a member you have to submit a sheet.
~Society of Publication Design
  • Professional organization to support designers who work on publications.
  • Some recruitment possibilities. 
  • Goal is to help support the industry.
  • An individual who creates the text for brochures, magazines, newspapers, etc.
  • Need a knowledge of typology and layout.
  • Salary- $40,000-$200,000
  • Need 3-5 years of experience. 
Portrait Photography
  • Take pictures of individuals or groups.
  • Work in studios or on location.
  • Need to be multitasker, organized, and be able to work with cameras and computers.
  • Can grow to be studio manager, tech photography, open your own studio.
  • Salary- $31,000 a year
Documentary Photographer
  • Produce truthful, objective, and usually candid photography of cultural things everywhere in document history, to uniform.
  • Should have bachelors degree in journalism.
  • Salary- $39,000
  • Need 5+ years of experience. 
Editorial Photographers
  • Collects photos for articles and create overall look in books, magazines, and websites.
  • They asign projects, select final photos, and make sure deadlines are met.
  • Need to be creative, have good imagination, and have knowledge of photography.
  • Salary- $25,000 a year
  • Need bachelors in editorial photography.
Fashion Photography
  • Photography of clothing.
  • Need to be truthful, objective, and creative.
  • Need degree in photography.
  • Salary- $50,000-$100,000
  • Work in the field of commercial.
Sports Photography

~Professional Photographers of America
  • Founded in 1869.
  • They use online database to represent and refer photographers and create a vibrant community for aspiring photographers. 
  • They do background checks on photographers to make sure they're well trained.
~American Photographic Artist
  • Organization that helps you find photography jobs.
  • Can sign up as a student- $55 
  • Goal is to help you establish and promote professional practice in the photography community.  
~National Association of Photoshop Professionals
  • Create in-depth designs that are market leading to certain audiences.
  • To join you need working experience with advertisement, creativity, and imagination.
  • College degree would help but isn't necessary.
  • Works with Photoshop.
~National Association of Press Photography
  • They are dedicated to the advancement of photo journalism.
  • Organization that helps you achieve more in press photography.
  • Have workshops and seminars.
Photo Journalism
  • Responsible for providing easy to read images that tell a story.
  • Need to have a steady hand, way with words, and an imagination.
  • Salary- $8,000-$40,000 a year.
  • Need bachelors degree in arts or visual communication. 
  • Take internships in high school. 
Creative Director
  • Determines best ways for companies to represent themselves.
  • Need high level of concepts of design, Photoshop, and InDesign.
  • Responsible for creating and managing firms while also designing and critiquing. 
  • Need to be able to manage many assignments at once.
  • Need to be able to use print and webdesign, have knowledge of layouts and typography.
  • Know how to tell stories through design. 
  • Have bachelors in fine arts.
  • Need 4 year experience with large scale website.
  • Salary- $130,000