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Target Audience- the specific group your portraying the message to.

Message- What you're trying to show/tell the viewer(s).

Work Ethic- The belief that hard work benefits you.

Employability Skills- Skills that are essential to get a good job.

20/20 Rule- Every 20 minutes look 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Right To Know- A law that requires that your employer makes you aware of the dangers and provides you with the information you need to work safely.

Icon- An image that works as a symbol for an object/place/thing.

Vector-based graphics- Vector graphics are made up of of paths that are defined by a start point and an end point, plus other points, curves, and angles.

Specs/specifications of a project-  An essential part of a design that states how the work should be done to make sure that it meets the designer’s expectations.

Dialog box (within an application)- A small are on a screen where you can type a description or select commands.

Palette (within an application)- A range of colors used in a picture. 

Guidelines- Lines you can use to help tell you where to put things.

Extensions- An increase in the length of something.

Contextual Menu- A menu that pops up when you right click and it usually gives you options based on the selected item.

Clipping Mask- When you make an image fit the shape of a mask. 

Hue- The color itself.

Primary Colors- The main colors on a color wheel.

Secondary Colors- The effect of 2 primary colors being mixed together.

Tertiary Colors- The effect of both primary and secondary colors being mixed together.
Neutral Colors- Colors made of very low saturation that don't show up on the color wheel.

Continuous Tone Image- An image where all the variations of colors can be represented. They have an unlimited range of different shades of grays.

Resolution- The number of pixels in a digital image.

File Size- Measures the size of a computer file.

Typography- The style and appearance of printed matter.

Typeface- A particular design of type.

Serif- A slight projection finishing off a stroke of a letter.

Body type- Primary typeface used for the main body of text in an advertisement.

Display type- Large or eye-catching type used for headings or advertisements.

Reverse type- Copy which is printed in white against a color background.

Point size- The height of a font, expressed in points.

Ligatures- A thing used for tying or binding something tightly.

Ampersand- The sign &.

Small caps- When all letters are capitalized but they're all the height of the waist line.

Lowercase- Small letters as opposed to uppercase (large letters).

Uppercase- Large letters as opposed to lowercase (small letters).

Flush left- When every line of your text is aligned to the left.

Flush right- When every line of your text is aligned to the right. 

Centered- When every line of your text is aligned to the center of the page. (very formal)

Justified- When every line of your text is aligned to the left and to the right. (informal/box looking)

Lining- Numbers with a uniform height.

Non-lining- Numbers that ascend above the waistline or descend below the waistline. (not all the same height)

Leading- The space in between lines of type. 

Margins- The space in between the edge and your measurement. This is where you keep all important things for the page. 

Kerning- Allows you to change the space in between two lines of type.

Tracking- Allows you to change the space between a large amount of type.

Concept- An idea; something formed in one's mind.

Final product- What our audience is going to see; end result.

Thumbnail- Quick sketches to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper. 

Initial Cap- A larger, decorative capital letter at the begging of text or paragraph.