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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Review Week 13

Balance- This image shows balance because it shows the organization of light and heavy elements.

Contrast- This image shows contrast because two related elements are different.

Emphasis- This image shows emphasis because it shows the stressing of a certain area of focus apart from the other details in the design.

Figure/Ground- This image shows figure because it shows the part of the design one pays attention to, and ground, because it shows the surrounding area around the figure.

Proportion/Scale- This image shows proportion/scale because it shows the relative size and scale of the different elements in the design.

Repetition- This image shows repetition because it is repeating an element or aspect throughout the entire design.

Rhythm- This image shows rhythm because it shows continuity, recurrence, or organized movement in space and time that is achieved through the orderly repetition of any element.

Unity/Variety- This image shows unity because it shows the wholeness of a composition and it shows variety by showing the differences and diversity in the design. 

How do you add a layer mask to a particular layer? click on the circle icon at the bottom of you layers panel.

What two colors are used to create the mask?
Black and white.

Describe the process of using a layer mask?
You use the paintbrush tool and paint with black to erase/mask the background of your chosen image or use white to erase the mask you have created with the black.

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