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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Review Week 5

This add represents shape very well. It uses many different shapes to make up a soccer ball. This is a very unique way of making up an object and it really captures you attention. All the different shapes make you look at the picture from a different perspective.

This add represents line. The spastic up and down movement of the lines and how close they are together represent a fast pace movement of some sort. I think this picture shows line amazingly because it really send a message using the shape of the lines.

This poster really demonstrates texture because it shows the details of the coconut extremely well. You can really imagine what it would feel like. I think this is a really good poster because it really pulls you in  to look at the detail of it. This shows you texture in a really good way.

This image shows space. It uses a circle of negative space in the very center of the page to catch your eye. I think this tactic is good when trying to grab the audience's attention. This image really makes people take the whole image in.

This final image shows value. Value is the lightness and darkness contrast in an image and this picture shows that very well. It uses a mix of bright and dark color to create a dramatic effect on the picture.

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